Tips to Deal with Pregnancy Pain

Pregnancy is a stage where the body undergoes a large number of physiological changes. The fluctuations in the hormonal levels have a great impact on the body. The body may express a lot of pain during pregnancy as a large number of changes are invariably occurring in the body.

Now, most women may take painkillers for pregnancy pain; however, most of the painkillers are not healthy during the period. So, let’s understand alternative ways to deal with pregnancy pain.

How to Deal with Pregnancy Pain?

Here are a few pregnancy tips for dealing with pain without depending much on painkillers:

  • Consume a healthy diet during pregnancy that includes adequate protein, fat, and carbohydrates in a 1:2:2 ratio. If it’s a twin pregnancy, it includes a 40% extra calorie in your diet.
  • Drink at least 2-2.5 litres of water every day. Dehydration and lack of water can cause pain.
  • Practice gentle exercises, such as Kegel’s exercise, cat-cow pose, squats, knee tilt, calf stretch, and hip stretch, to manage the pain. Avoid lifting strenuous weights.
  • Wear appropriate footwear like flats or comfy shoes, as footwear like high heels can cause fluctuations in normal posture and thus aggravate pain.
  • Whenever lifting an object from the floor, do not bend your waist. Instead, lower your body in a sitting position by bending your knees and then picking up the floor.
  • Sleep on the left side of your body with knees properly bent. A pregnancy pillow can also create a better posture during sleep.
  • Additionally, visiting a physiotherapist or taking additional advice on prenatal exercises from your gynaecologist can be beneficial.
  • Use a heating pad or cold compress for extreme pain relief.

Wrapping up,

Dealing with pregnancy pain becomes much easier with alternate methods. However, if the tips don’t help to relieve the pain, then visit your doctor. Also, avoid consuming painkillers, like ibuprofen, naproxen and diclofenac, especially during the trimester of pregnancy. Use a pregnancy calculator to track your pregnancy, and avoid the use of painkillers.

It is best to take what your doctor recommends; painkillers like paracetamol or codeine may help. Also, if you are thinking of preserving your child’s future, visit Cryoviva’s website to invest in stem cell banking. It is an investment to protect your baby from severe diseases like cancer and blood disorders.

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