Benefits of Pineapple Juice in Pregnancy

Pineapple is a delicious and nutritious tropical fruit and is considered a healthy choice during pregnancy. Besides satisfying your food cravings, pineapple can have health benefits for your child and baby as it is the source of Vitamin C. 

Pineapple juice in pregnancy can help in fulfilling the need for Vitamin C and support your baby’s bone, teeth, and other vital tissue development. Let’s understand how pineapple juice can help the new moms during pregnancy.

Benefits of Pineapple Juice During Pregnancy

Let’s understand the pineapple juice benefits like:

  • Offers Vitamin C

Pineapple is a good source of Vitamin C, which enables your body to absorb iron and supports the immune system. It is also an antioxidant that enables less infection and fights unfastened radicals.

  • Boosts fetus development

Citrus fruits during pregnancy, like pineapple, provide folic acid. Now, folic acid in the early pregnancy stages is essential for fetal growth as it supports neural tube development. The proper amount of folic acid can prevent major congenital disabilities related to the brain (anencephaly) and spine (spina bifida).

  • Provides magnesium

As a pregnancy tip, incorporate pineapple in your pregnancy diet as it provides magnesium, which can provide you relief from leg cramps and constipation. Additionally, maintaining magnesium levels in your body can prevent conditions like pre-term exertions and preeclampsia.

  • Improves digestion

Pineapple juice in pregnancy is beneficial as it comprises the enzyme bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory houses and aids digestion.

  • Hydration benefits

Maintaining adequate hydration is important when pregnant, and pineapple juice can be another drink to maintain your hydration levels besides just drinking water.

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Pineapple can be a wholesome and delicious addition to your pregnancy diet. However, everything should be consumed within limits, and pineapple juice is no exception. Excess of pineapple juice in pregnancy can cause acid reflux and heartburn.

Now, you must be using a pregnancy calculator to calculate your due date and meet your baby, but have you included stem cell banking in your pregnancy to-do list? Stem cell banking includes preserving your baby’s cord blood cells from the umbilical cord, which can later be utilized to cure life-threatening diseases. Visit the Cryoviva website today to learn more about stem cell banking products.

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